Beyond Boundaries Divisional Decision Form Beyond Boundaries Divisional Decision Form DEADLINE: Please complete this form by Friday March 7. First Name: * Last Name: * Student ID#: * Current UG Division: * Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts Arts and Sciences McKelvey School of Engineering Olin Business School Intended UG Division: * Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts Arts and Sciences McKelvey School of Engineering Olin Business School If above two selections do not match, have you met with your Intended UG Division advisor? * Yes No N/A (divisions match) Since I haven’t met with my intended UG advisor yet, I understand that I will need to by Friday March 7. * Yes Intended major(s) [optional] List of Undergraduate Dean Advisors: Joseph Fitzpatrick: / 314-935-6532 (Art & Architecture) Dirk Killen: / 314-935-9457 (Arts & Sciences) Melanie Osborn: / 314-935-8013 (Engineering) Shawn Brodie: / 314-935-4691 (Business) Captcha Submit Δ