Campus Engagement
Beyond Boundaries Program students are fully encouraged to participate in events on and off campus as part of the program experience. Student engagement can look very different, and there are many student groups that individuals can choose to participate in. Washington University also has a wide array of Centers and Institutes that program students can connect with. To see a number of campus offerings, check out the Happenings at WashU calendar.

Students participating in the Beyond Boundaries Program are cohoused together in MODERN DOUBLES in Nathan Dardick House (part of the Wayman Crow Residential College) during their first year. Students live throughout the building and may live with each other or other non-program students of their choosing. Beyond Boundaries students then have priority to live in groups of four in Nemerov House during their second year at Washington University. Those students who participate in scholarship programs, with a cohousing component, are encouraged to contact their scholarship program staff to inquire about housing options.
Click HERE to learn more about other residential colleges on the South 40.