In the episode, Rob chats with the brilliant team behind the popular Beyond Boundaries ‘Bear Bridge’ course Empathy First: Solutions With Heart led by two faculty across the university in Liz Kramer from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts and the Office of Socially Engaged Practice and Jennifer Harpring from the Brown School of Social Work and Director of Field Education. Joining them as well is graduate student and Instructional Assistant for the course, Marissa Price. Their class delves into methods, processes, and approaches in integrating empathy into decisions used in design and social work and features unique panel conversations with experts in health, law, and business. The class is a unique feature of the Beyond Boundaries Program curriculum as one of two ‘Bear Bridge’ courses that actively incorporate a community-engagement component to the course.
10: Liz Kramer, Jenni Harpring, & Marissa Price